Купить эндоскоп автомобильный The details fuction видеоглазок беспроводной купить GPS and Location Based Service Location Based service also named A-GPS, when tracker in underground or tunnel ,can get location by ACPS.
Real time tracking Real time tracking it by cell phone and platform. Also can support get location every 5 seconds, and the GPS accuracy is 5m.
Check the history of route Can check and replay within one year history of route of device ,by купить фонарь magicshine web monitor center Can hear the voice around the tracker by cell phone.
press the SOS button ,the tracker will sendволшебный фонарик купить help me “ SMS to all authorized phone number видеоглазок беспроводной украина and monitoring web platform.
Mileage calculate Check the mileage купить светодиодный фонарь киев data by mobile and platform anytime and anywhere.
Google map on mobile Check the location with google map on mobile. Geofence and movement alert Set up a geo-fence for the глонасс глушилка unit to restrict its movements within a глушилка мобильных телефонов district ,unit will send a message to the authorized numberwhen it breaches the district.
Shake and overspeed где можно купить ультрафиолетовый фонарик alert Set shake and overspeed alert,unit will send message when shaked купить инфракрасный фонарь and overspeed? Traffic model When in traffic model the device will save power and GPRS.
When car don’t mover,the device will got to sleeping automatically.
When купить эндоскоп автомобильный sleep the consumption фонарь тактический купить киев is only 1-3mAh can save power 80%. When t car move, the device will be wake up to tracking самодельный светодиодный фонарь the car, and send the data to cell phone or monitor center. it is important to save the data,when there is no gsm signal all the data will be saved глушилка спутникового телевидения and will be send again when get the signal.?
Sleeping купить видеоглазок model When device don’t receive any task ,it will go to sleep купить светодиодный фонарь ,When sleep the consumption is only купить эндоскоп автомобильный прибор ночного видения пнв 57е купить 1-3mAh.
If the device receive the SMS and calling during sleeping, it will wake up and купить эндоскоп автомобильный go to work automatically.

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